I almost titled this blog post ‘2022 Favorites’ and then I remembered that monthly recaps were once a thing on here and I could maybe do my comeback post in that format instead. I could blame my break it all on the pandemic, but then I actually stopped writing those back in June 2018 and that was also when I pretty much stopped blogging. I’ve actually looked at some of the upcoming Top Ten Tuesday topics, though and have been wanting to fully get back into reading (I say when we’re already in the second month of 2023). Plus, Ellis getting back into blogging (keyword: occasionally) have me excited enough to try and give it all a go once again.
Monthly Recap: June
Monthly Recap: May
Monthly Recap: April
Monthly Recap: February and March
I really wish I hadn’t been as busy as I got with work and would have been able to write separate recaps but life happens, I guess. I almost posted my February recap in the middle of March which even sounds awkward, I know.