Did not appreciate the amount of busy I was in April because of work.

A Walk a Day
I’d been planning and planning to start walking daily and while I do that already inside the boundary of the house, I wanted to go outside (since inside they end up being more like strolls most of the time). Anyway, so I did start in the beginning of April, quickly discovered that I get bored with the same route and so I keep altering it a little and it’s been really fun so far. I did get a foot cramp and had to miss a few days which made me miss it and then I’ve been making up for it by walking 5 km instead of the usual 4. Also, I tried to give audiobooks a try but I’m just too attached to music to stick to it. However, I am hoping to give Harry Potter audiobooks a try in May and expect it to go much better than fiction has for me in the past.
A Driving Misadventure
The other day, I kind of locked myself out of the car and didn’t even realize that I’d left the key in the ignition after turning the car off the first 20 minutes after it happened so that was fun. Luckily, I hadn’t gone far away from home and my dad arrived with a spare key. Always a first time, right or maybe that’s just me haha.
Still not entirely back in the groove of watching shows like crazy but that’s fine by me.

- New Girl – Aah, loved the season finale! Although, there are some things I’d like to see unroll in season 7, I’m totally fine with this being the series finale.
- DC’s Legends of Tomorrow -Boy, am I glad to have watched all of season 2 and can finally say goodbye to it forever. I still love Sara a lot as well as Mick and Jax, but the rest are just so eh that I can’t anymore. I did start watching it for Cold anyway so it’s pointless to continue.
- The Big Bang Theory – Definitely much better overall and more funny than offensive funny so that’s good.
- Fresh Off the Boat – I still cannot decide which brother is my favorite, I just know it isn’t Eddie. Emery and Evan, though so much cute.
- Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. – BEST SEASON YET. Everything is one big, painful mess and I just love it.
- Haikyuu! – I think I only managed to watch five episodes in April so that’s how slowly I’m watching this haha. I promise I love it, I just don’t want to run out of episodes too soon and have taken that to heart.
- Brooklyn Nine-Nine – My favorite comedy show is back! As good as ever but ugh, looks like I need to mentally prepare myself for Pimento being back for the season finale.
- The Royals – Way to fuck up my ship and in such a stupid way, but at least there’s still hope. Season 4 is definitely gonna go crazier on all fronts and I cannot wait.
- Skam – All caught up! I spent a weekend mid-April staying up until 5 am watching seasons 1 and 2 just because I wanted to know how the seasons are gonna end. I have to say that Eva’s season was fine and it was fun watching the girls get to know each other, Noora’s wasn’t all that in the end and Isak’s turned out to be the best of the lot. Moreover, with season 4 being told from Sana’s POV (so weird to have a character with the same name as you), it’s great to see some Muslim representation. Overall, I don’t entirely get the obsession, but I would say that it’s a show worth watching.
- Supergirl – Loved the Lena focused episode. However, it’s hilarious that writers had Kara tell Lena to not date her murderous ex after having paired Kara up with an ex slave owner. So charming, right. Needless to say, I’m over all the pairing up and romance on a freaking superhero show.
- Jane the Virgin – I don’t know, some episodes are great while others, not so much.
- The Flash – WHO THE FUCK IS SAVITAR?! I just want to know because I’ve been driving myself crazy. Other than that, the closing episodes of the season have already started wrecking hell on my emotions as is the norm.
Look who’s watching movies again pt. 2.

- Ghostbusters (8/10) – Rewatch and just as fun.
- Raiders of the Lost Ark (6/10) – I honestly have no idea what to rate oldie movies because as much fun as it is watching them, they are also quite funny and then some have snakes for days.
I don’t know what happened, probably work. (Kinda mad at myself for not rereading one of the Shades of Magic books, though).

- The Emperor’s Blades by Brian Staveley
- Blackbirds by Chuck Wendig (reread)
- Wonder Woman: Warbringer by Leigh Bardugo
Apparently, book buying is going to remain out of control this year.

- All Things New by Lauren Miller
- America #1 by Gabby Rivera, Joe Quinones
- Paper Girls, Vol. 2 by Brian K. Vaughan, Cliff Chiang
- Surgeon X #4, #5, #6 by Sara Kenney, John Watkiss
- Motor Crush #2, #3, #4 by Brenden Fletcher, Cameron Stewart, Babs Tarr
- Deathless by Catherynne M. Valente
- Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor
- The Collapsing Empire by John Scalzi
- The White Road by Sarah Lotz
- Wires and Nerve, Vol. 1 by Marissa Meyer, Doug Holgate
- A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab (third copy)
- A Conjuring of Light by V.E. Schwab (fourth copy, oops)
- Wonder Woman: Warbringer by Leigh Bardugo
- Every Night I Dream of Hell by Malcom Mackay
- It’s Not Like It’s a Secret by Misa Sugiura
- The Bone Witch by Rin Chupeco
- The Providence of Fire by Brian Staveley
- Six Wakes by Mur Lafferty (borrowed it the first time around so had to buy it on sale)
- The Flight of the Silvers by Daniel Price
- Magic Bites by Ilona Andrews
- Killing Gravity by Corey J. White
- Abandon by Blake Crouch
- Dark Run by Mike Brooks
- Flame in the Mist by Renée Ahdieh
- Release by Patrick Ness
- Second Chance Summer by Morgan Matson
- Cure for the Common Universe by Christian McKay Heidicker
I suddenly needed a lot more new music because of my walks and Spotify complied way too late in the month. But I love so many of these aahh.

How was your April?
My April was dismal, as far as reading goes. I barely finished maybe four books?? And May isn’t much better, so I’m just looking forward to June when lots of my personal obligations will be over and I can get back to reading. I really want to read Deathless and The White Road:-)
Maybe it’s just the time of the year when a lull settles when it comes to reading because I can’t think of another reason, but definitely also looking forward to readings lots during the summer.
I really hope Harry Potter works!
OMG, that’s not usually even possible in most cars. Oops. xD I do know one other person who’s done that, though. I’m glad you were able to get rescued before the car battery died, lol. (Also, it’s still really weird to hear you talk about driving!)
Is Fresh Off The Boat a 20- or 40-minute show? NO NO NO NO what are you saying about Pimento? D:
I’m also sad at myself for not reading ACOL.
I managed to get 15 books in last month, but it still felt like so little!
Me too! Otherwise I’d really have to give up on fiction audiobooks. =/
Haha yeah, I have no idea how I managed it. Oh my god, I went into the city couple of times and the traffic is such a disaster there that I’m just trying so hard not to think about that I’M the one who’s maneuvering the car around LOL.
Fresh Off the Boat is 20 minutes! Do watch it and especially because it’s set in the 90s.
I read an article about how the showrunner was so excited about Pimento being back on the show and I was just rolling my eyes. He’s not even funny so what’s the excitement for?
Haha Get 20 or more every month to make it feel like a lot. I do love how even 15 sounds not a lot now.
That sounds terrifying. xD
It’s not on Netflix, but I’ll see if I can find it anywhere else!
WTF. I don’t understand who could possibly find him funny.
I love that you’ve started taking walks! It’s one of my favorite parts of having Andy, it’s made me a lot more active. I like taking longer walks with him on sunny weekends and lots of music of course! Seriously so impressed with how well you keep up with tv shows!! NEW GIRL WAS SO GOOOOOD. I’m happy to hear that about TBBT too because I’m a season or so behind; it was getting a little old but this makes me want to catch up. Brooklynnnnn! I’m so happy new episodes are back- boring Teddy was hilarious. Aww Raiders. Young Harrison Ford was so hot, I was always sad my archaeology professor didn’t look like him hahah. I think The Last Crusade is my favorite Indy movie. How dare you not reread Shades of Magic… again 😉 I really do need to answers your texts because I keep thinking about it and yeah I will be rereading that series within the year, I’m sure of it. Happy May!!
Yesss! I have so much fun on my walks that I have no idea why I wasn’t already doing them for years now.
Haha I guess it’s mainly because sometimes I’m too mentally tired after work to do anything but watch TV shows.
TBBT got so much better after the disastrous last couple of seasons. Did you watch the trailer of Young Sheldon? I kind of want to start that one in the fall…
Haha that’s hilarious about your archeology professor. Impossible standard for him to fulfill. Ooh, I’ll let you know how I like The Last Crusade!
You can say that again because I again didn’t. I guess I’m just nervous about reading ADSOM for the first time after finishing ACOL… And now I need to answer your texts LOL.
I always get jealous at your pictures from your walks! And totally get the missing-it part! It’s weird how once you start, you can’t do without. My going for runs was interupted by my knee acting up last fall and I couldn’t go for like 2-3 weeks which was the absolute worst.
(basically the only thing I hate about going to work full time next month is that I’m afraid how it might get in the way of my runs LOL)
I mean, I do get out of the car every now and then, with the key still stuck but then immediately notice when I want to lock the car.
(if it makes you feel better though, my mom used to frequently leave her keys in the drunk (e.g. when putting in groceries), a drunk that would only open with keys)
I’m not sure if I admire you to watch Haikyuu that slow or hit you over the head for doing it. (watch me doing like 5 more rewatches before you finally finish)
Stil haven’t watch BB99 for some reason, but you mentioning Pimento doesn’t help.
(I should wait with my recaps until I’ve read yours because you always make me realize I’ve forgotten a movie on my list)
Looks like you need to read all of SoM at least twice in May for making up for not readng any in April 😛
Glad you read and liked Emperor’s Blades though!
Did you read America #1 yet? I felt kinda meh about it :/
You’re telling me your running views are not awesome? How?! Damn, I hope you find a way to continue going on walks because I haven’t figured out a way to incorporate my walks ever since Ramadan started and it completely sucks. =(
LOL I’m still laughing about locking myself out of the car. It took me a good 20 minutes to realize I don’t have the car keys with me and my sister-in-law was convinced I dropped them somewhere. Thanks for that kind of misplaced trust in me haha. That does make me feel better! =P
Please hit me over the head because I have stopped watching Haikyuu AGAIN and it’s finally started to annoy me.
NO! Watch B99! He’s only in one episode and you can totally ignore him. (I only remember all the movies (as if I watch tons LOL) because I browse my watch history on Trakt =P)
Now I need to read it twice in June haha.
I can’t go on reading The Providence of Fire because I’m scared. >.< No, haven't read America #1 but definitely lowered my expectations, sigh.
Thanks for reminding me about Fresh Off the Boat. I’ve been meaning to watch it for ages but still haven’t gotten around to it!
Yes, please do! I only know like two people who watch it which is a shame.