March was a month where I wasn’t tempted to watch all that much TV and wanted to focus more on reading. However, I kind of failed.

Year 26 and what not
March means spring and saying goodbye to winter which made me sad because it snowed ONCE during winter. Apart from that general grumpiness, I really wanted to blog but I didn’t have time in between work, socializing duties (which weren’t as fun) (when are they ever, though) and oh, the Bookish Games. The time I did find to blog, I spent formatting old reviews and staring at my draft review of A Darker Shade of Magic which was before I even started A Gathering of Shadows. I’m so fucked.
There were periods of restlessness but with lots of cake since my father’s and my birthdays happened and I also baked a carrot cake which turned out so well. I’m traveling for a few days in April so that should be a good change.
I love the cover reveal season! So many amazing covers came out from the illustrated cover of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets to Laini Taylor’s Strange the Dreamer (UK all the way) to S. J. Kincaid’s The Diabolic, just aaahhh! Apart from regularly stalking book deals on Publishers Weekly, this is a thing that makes me so happy.
Lastly, I can’t believe that April’s recap would have several mentions of The Raven King. Hopefully I’m still alive to write one.
I honestly didn’t watch any TV shows for at least two weeks in March and the list still looks so long. HOW?

- Suits – AAAAHHH, what a finale! I wasn’t sure at first, but I’m glad they went through with it after all.
- Jane the Virgin – I’m so, so in love with this show it’s not even funny. The Villanueva family is everything to me, so positive and happy and they just get each other so well and are so fucking attuned to each other.
- New Girl – Jess is back and everything is all right in the world. I really loved the episode that’s set in Cece’s apartment. Their friendship is gold.
- Fresh Off the Boat – I cannot recommend this show enough. Apart from always being hilarious, it’s so relatable to me as an Asian and it’s set in the 90s so there’s that.
- Brooklyn Nine-Nine – So the episode with Terry and the kittens was a new high for this show.
- How to Get Away with Murder – I honestly am not a fan of the resolution they came up with. JUST NO. ALSO, LEAVE WES GIBBINS THE FUCK ALONE.
- The Big Bang Theory – It’s going fine, I guess.
- Faking It – Karma needs to GTFO of the show and that is all.
- Awkward – What an utter disaster of a show!
- Younger -Some of the episodes were really good and others traumatized me for life. Still, that finale!
- iZombie – I finally caught up on season 2 and yes, it’s getting better.
- Coupling – I watched yet another episode of this show. It’s so funny so I definitely want to watch more in April and not disappoint Maraia by only watching one every month.
Ah, this is obviously a disaster. However, I’ll be watching a few movies like The Revenant and Kung Fu Panda 3 so April should be better in the movie watching department.
Better than February but still not good enough.

- The Crown and the Arrow by Renée Ahdieh
- The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller
- A Criminal Magic by Lee Kelly
- The Bullet-Catcher’s Daughter by Rod Duncan
- A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab (reread)
- A Gathering of Shadows by V.E. Schwab
- Calamity by Brandon Sanderson
Honestly surprised that the list is relatively short this time around.

- The Crown and the Arrow by Renée Ahdieh
- Riverkeep by Martin Stewart
- A Head Full of Ghosts by Paul Tremblay
- A Criminal Magic by Lee Kelly
- Rebel Angels by Libba Bray
- The Sweet Far Thing by Libba Bray
- A Gathering of Shadows by V.E. Schwab
- The Moth and the Flame by Renée Ahdieh
I have 3 songs on my March which is a new low and I have a reason for that. I spent most of March listening to Sia and XYLO to care enough to pay attention to new music. I did listen to Jojee’s Unravel Me (all the Pynch feels) and Living in Fiction’s Don’t Speak both of which are brilliant af and not on Spotify as yet.

Haha, I think I’m definitely joining you in having failed to get some reading done in March 😀
I mostly blame the Bookish Games for stealing a lot of my reading time so maybe I should be glad I’m already dead now xD
Winter was a bit disappointing for me too since we only had like one night of snow but it didn’t even last through the day…
Lol, seems like you’re making very slow progress with COUPLING but maybe that’s not too bad since there are only four seasons. There are so many hilarious episodes still waiting for you, especially the ones where Jeff plays the main part 😀
I really need to binge-watch HTGAWM now that season 2 is over and also need to catch up with iZombie and Brooklyn Nine-Nine. I also started season 9 of TBBT lately and still haven’t stopped laughing about Sheldon singing “We will rock you” XD
I hope you’ll enjoy THE REVENANT, it had such an impressive performance from DiCaprio and I think it would definitely have deserved the Oscar for Best Picture. I’m also curious what you’re going to say about Kung Fu Panda 3, I really like the first two movies!
Do you like snow? Winter is my favorite weather and I hardly ever see people who actually like the weather and on top of that people just find it to be a depressing weather which my brain can’t process haha.
Jeff is the most hilarious of them all so I’m very much looking forward to his episodes! =D
Yes, definitely binge-watch HTGAWM! iZombie and Brooklyn Nine-Nine both had unexpected season finales which I really liked. Haha that ‘We will rock you’ episode is my favorite from The Big Bang Theory and the season has been hilarious lately.
I couldn’t watch The Revenant last month but I’m definitely watching it in May and probably going to watch Kung Fu Panda 3 in a few days…
I actually had the best reading month (in terms of quantity) that I’ll have all year, but it included quite a few bad books. *cough* Captive Prince *cough*
We had a pretty lame winter, too, but at least it snowed more than once. It actually snowed all day today, haha.
Did you bake the carrot cake for your dad’s birthday? I want the recipe! I can’t remember if I already asked you when we talked about cake before.
All those covers are amazing! The UK cover of “Strange the Dreamer” is so much cooler than the U.S. one. I’m really hoping it’s not too expensive on TBD, because BLUE.
I haven’t watched any more episodes of B99 or HTGAWM, but I’m a bit worried if you aren’t happy with the ending for the latter. I can’t fault you for watching Coupling slowly, considering how behind I am on everything you recommended, and since I haven’t finished the show myself. 😛
Let’s not even talk about April….
I forgot to subscribe to comments, so I’m commenting again. It’s just like Mafia. xD
LOL and I’m still laughing over how dead players were subscribing to comments every new Day.
How do you figure you won’t have a better reading month in terms on quantity? I’m puzzled. But I’m glad you read a lot in March!
I hope there won’t be any snow in May for you because that’d seriously be ridiculous. =P
Oh no, it was a random day when I baked the carrot cake…at 11 pm. XD I’ll definitely remember to forward you the recipe on Whatsapp.
I just remembered the prologue of Strange the Dreamer and aahhh!
Oh, the ending of HTGAWM just seemed to do a complete 180 in terms of wrapping everything up so it seemed lazy and a cop-out but I still like the show a lot.
Well, I actually ended up reading only one less last month than I did in March. But I don’t know if I’ll read a ton or not at all when I’m in Germany. xD
Usually it snows at least once in May, but it doesn’t stick. 😛
I will remind you about the recipe some other day. We already have enough messages going right now, hahaha.
My expectations for that book are so high after DoSaB. I almost feel sorry for authors once they’ve written a super successful series. xD
(I can’t believe you DIDN’T subscribe to comments!)
Yay cake! Cake is always good 🙂
I love cover reveals too, it’s my favorite!!
I didn’t know Fresh Off The Boat was set in the 90s! It looks really funny, I’ll have to watch it soon. OMG Brooklyn has been so good!! I’m a couple eps behind. And we’re behind on Big Bang too; I don’t think the past couple seasons have been great but I’ve seen them all so I have to keep watching. I have an easier time catching up with half hour comedies anyway.
THE SONG OF ACHILLES <3 </3 <3 </3
My March was busy but good; my sister visited one weekend, my mom the next, went on a trip at the end of the month. Bookwise it was decent! I read 7 books (3 of which were The Raven Cycle but no matter). Hope you have a good April 🙂
Yes, please do watch Fresh Off the Boat! It’s so hilarious and my favorite right after Brooklyn Nine-Nine. Yeah, The Big Bang Theory hasn’t been great lately but I’ll probably watch it until it ends because it’s impossible not to and yeah, it’s so easy to be on track with half hour comedies.
Yay! I’m glad you had a great March. =D