Although I’ve gotten better at reading books I’m excited about as they release (I tend to save new releases for later so often that they then become backlist titles), last year was definitely the year where I wanted to read so many new releases but couldn’t thanks to my reading slump.
Ghost Talkers by Mary Robinette Kowal
Alternate history is one of the new-to-me genres that I got invested in last year and that’s great for me because I don’t enjoy historical genre as much as the rest of them. Ghost Talkers involve Spirit Corps to some extent; a term that immediately made me want to read the book.
Heartless by Marissa Meyer
I would admit that my excitement for Heartless waned right when its cover was revealed so it’s not really a surprise that I kept putting off buying and reading it. Moreover, the mixed reviews didn’t help. This year, though.
Gemina by Jay Kristoff, Amie Kaufman
Another book that my excitement lessened for but this time because of the book itself. I’m sure I’d enjoy it to some extent so I do still want to read Gemina, but I’m not all that about it for the time being especially with there being so many other exciting sci-fi titles to read.
The Midnight Star by Marie Lu
I would have read this in 2016 but then I wanted to reread The Young Elites and The Rose Society (thanks Ellis) and it didn’t end up happening at all. I’m kind of nervous because the ending of The Rose Society was perfect and still gives me chills so I hope I’m fully prepared in case I end up being disappointed by the series finale (please, no).
Dark Matter by Blake Crouch
I held off on reading Dark Matter for the sole reason that I wanted to read it all in a day and somehow never found the combination of free day and the right mood for doing so. I’m actually hoping to get to it sometime this month.
Of Sand and Malice Made by Bradley P. Beaulieu
Of Sand and Malice Made is a prequel to Twelve Kings which everyone should be reading. I’m not that upset about not having read it yet because of it being a prequel but still very much want to get to it soon.
New Pompeii by Daniel Godfrey
New Pompeii is one of those books that I was excited to read months before it released and… I still haven’t. It’s about some organization developing a ‘technology to transport objects and people from the deep past to the present’ and they somehow have a replica of a city (New Pompeii) hidden deep in central Asia? Sign me up! Also, I’m hoping that the book is set in Asia because that’s so rare.
Iron Cast by Destiny Soria
I’m a fan of books set in the 1920s. (Only this one is set in 1919 and I’m all about trying out new things, if nothing else). Iron Cast is a slight reminisce of A Criminal Magic by Lee Kelly which I so wasn’t a fan of so I’m hoping this book would give me what A Criminal Magic couldn’t. I’ll actually be buying this soon since it’s $3.99 on Kindle (likely for all of January) and reading it sooner rather than later.
Cure for the Common Universe by Christian McKay Heidicker
This one got rather mixed reviews so I’m entirely sure if I still want to read it. Yet I think I will as I’m all about sci-fi lately or at least more about sci-fi than I ever was before.
The Devourers by Indra Das
I would read The Devourers for the cover alone like look at it! It is set in India spanning several centuries and there’s mythology involved which I’m always into.
A couple more mentions because of who I am as a person: In the Country We Love by Diane Guerrero which I started reading and listening to at the same time (with Ellis), but is kind of on hold for now and The Rose and the Dagger by Renée Ahdieh which I kind of knew I wouldn’t be reading in 2016? I will stop now before I end up listing ten more.
Which 2016 releases made it on your 2017 to-read list?
Yesss, definitely wanna read Ghost Talkers too!
I’m sad how unexcited I am about Heartless. I was hoping once people read it, I would start to get excited again but nope, still not feeling it.
Maybe we should start with reading Of Sand and Malice Made instead of Twelve Kings!?
AND YES TO THE DEVOURERS! I’ve had a copy sitting in my amazon cart for a while now but can’t make myself spend that much on a thin HC (yet) BUT SO PRETTY.
I really have no idea how I’m still looking forward to reading Heartless.
Oh, yes totally up for starting the reread with Of Sand and Malice Made!
The never-ending dilemma of wanting to read adult books but moneys, sigh.
Dark Matter is really great, Sana. I hope you’ll get to it sooner rather than later. I’m curious about that New Pompeii. I don’t think I’ve heard of that one before.
Happy reading!
Still haven’t gotten around to reading Dark Matter yet but *fingers crossed*
I’ve heard so many good things about New Pompeii so I’m hoping I end up loving it.
I loved Gemina! It was a really awesome read. I loved Illuminae more though.
Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian
Gah, yeah. I’ve heard that the basic premise is same for both and that Illuminae does it better. Oh well, at least my hopes aren’t all that high.
I’m not even trying with Heartless. Especially considering how we haven’t even managed to read Stars Above. xD
I hope you do find enough time to read Dark Matter in one sitting, because you’ll definitely want to. It’s so addictive!
The Devourers sounds good! SO MANY BOOKS.
We’re also not even trying with Stars Above haha.
I totally forgot about Dark Matter or I would have read it this weekend. >.< I'm still determined to read it this month so there's that. ALL THE BOOKS, DROWNING IN BOOKS 5EVER.
You totally could read “Dark Matter” in a day — it was that unputdownable! Hope you enjoy it when you perfect day rolls around! 🙂
Thank you! That’s the plan. =D
Ghost Talkers and New Pompeii made my list too. I keep hearing good things about Dark Matter and The Devourers – so I guess I better add them to my list too 😉
I approve of this! Haha
I thought Heartless was really good, but then I’m not a die hard Marissa Meyer fan, so who knows?
My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2017/01/10/top-ten-tuesday-91/
Yeah, I’m mainly curious about Heartless since it’s the first book that’s not something out of The Lunar Chronicles. I really want to read it and see how I end up liking it.
Oh, you MUST read The Devourers, Dark Matter and Gemina! All were fantastic! Good luck getting to them all!
I’m glad you liked The Devourers so much! I think I’m most nervous about reading that one out of the three.
Ooh Dark Matter is a good one.. and great idea to try and find time to do it in one day because you’ll want to be so immersed in it! 🙂
Michele | TTT
I totally forgot to read it this past weekend which is totally on me so still looking for the perfect time to do so haha.
I really want to read Ghost Talkers and The Devourers as well! (Especially because Victoria Schwab recommended The Devourers.)
I LOVED Dark Matter! I don’t think it left my hand from the second I opened it until I finished it.
Oh, I had no idea Schwab loved The Devourers! I should really make time for it soon.
You’re like the tenth person to tell me that about Dark Matter, haha.
I absolutely need to read Gemina and get over my fear of sequels. I just don’t want to be let down after the brilliance that is Illuminae?!? And agh Heartless was okay but not…not ANYTHING like what Marissa Meyer did in the Lunar Chronicles. I was so disappointed. *weeps* And the cover is really not stunning either. Gah. Let’s hope her supervillains story goes down a bit better?!?
SAME! I’m not ready for any disappointment yet.
That’s why I’m so curious about Heartless! I don’t have high hopes for it and yeah, the cover is so uncreative. YES! Now that I have high hopes for.
Waiting for the paperback of Ghost Talkers and Iron Cast! They sound so good! The Devourers was also on my list!
I’m also waiting for the paperback of Last Mortal Bond, Revenger and When the Moon was Ours!
Yeah, I might just end up getting the paperback of Ghost Talkers, too since the hardcover and Kindle are both so expensive but since I also need to consider shipping, it’s always a toss up for me haha.
I should really finish Revenger, I don’t know why I haven’t yet. Totally want to read the other two as well. (I can’t believe I forgot to mention When the Moon was Ours oops).
Yup, all of these and more would be on my top ten tuesday if I had participated. I usually experience the same set of feelings, first excitement at the announcement of the book, followed by waning excitement as mixed reviews come in… I still want to read Heartless and Gemina though as I love those authors so much. I hope you’re over your reading slump now!
Yeah, I really don’t like the feeling of losing excitement over books but what can you do…
I’m finally over my reading slump! Reading so many books simultaneously and loving it. =D Missed the feeling so much.
Dude, I had to scroll down so far to this comment box how popular are you
lololol the thing about backlist titles: very real
Ghost Talkers – The Flash wouldn’t have anything to do with this recent alternate history obsession now would it
Heartless – Officially lost interest tbh. (Also in the Lunar Chronicles. Don’t kill me. Mild yelling is allowed.)
Gemina – The one reason why I would consider reading these books is because of their format but yeah I don’t get the instant excitement boner most people seem to have whenever a new Kristoff book is announced (how do you do the shrug emoji? I tried.)
The Midnight Star – *rings the shame bells* *sics the shame sheep on you* Also you are welcome as it will improve everything
Dark Matter – Yeah 2016 was terrible for that mood/time combo and I’m still bitter about it
New Pompeii – So much sci-fi, Sana. We aren’t really well-matched there.
Iron Cast – Ahahaha your intro. Classic. Totally took advantage of the current price as well and I’m excited.
Cure for the Common Universe – I, too, am more about sci-fi than I ever was before.
The Devourers – Man, I discover so many new books because of you. This one sounds awesome.
Haha it’s mostly a combination of top ten Tuesday and my font choices so don’t be too misled, I’m not all that popular.
Well, NOW that you mention it, it totally is due to The Flash.
But whyyy have you lost interest in The Lunar Chronicles, Ellis? Did sci-fi end up getting the better of you? DID IT?
You Google the shrug emoji haha. I’m one of those people who get excitement boners for Kristoff’s books LOLOLOL.
You’re the only one who appreciated my intro about Iron Cast! Thank you haha.
I’ve been on such a sci-fi high lately that I don’t even recognize myself anymore.
I’m definitely reading The Devourers soon so hopefully I can book push you the thing.