I’d been rec’d books over the past year more than I’ve been all my life (thanks, Eve) so I thought it’s a good time as any to share them. But first let me share the ones which emotionally wrecked me and then the ones I hope will.

Eve rec’d Vicious to me last year and all she said was basically that Victor Vale is the best villain of all time and that I should read it. I did and man, I was blown over by it. All hail the genius of V. E. Schwab.

I’m one of those people who haven’t sweared off of vampires and still loves a good paranormal book. So I read Richelle Mead’s Vampire Academy, Frostbite, and Shadow Kiss in a span of a few weeks. However, I was hesitant to continue the series for various reasons such as Dimitri at the end of Shadow Kiss. But then Judith posted why she loves it so much, Raquel said it gets better, and Eve pushed me to read it because it’s Romitri and how I can’t not continue. So I spent my New Year’s Eve reading Last Sacrifice and there couldn’t have been a more perfect ending to this series. Sigh.

Angelfall. What can I say about this book, about this series, would never be enough. Susan Ee is an evil genius with a vicious imagination when it comes to world-building. Eve is the reason I read Angelfall and Sandra why I reread it and then read World After immediately after. Else I’d have waited till May 2015 to read it, not even kidding because I do stuff like this to avoid waiting and dying from said wait over and over. So you’re entitled to give me an ARC of Angelfall #3 (no title yet *sobs*), Sandra.

If it’s Patrick Ness rec, we should all know by now that Asti is behind it. Seriously, she made up my mind to read The Knife of Never Letting Go and I did and I’m still recovering. I do plan to finish reading the trilogy this year so, yeah I’m not ready but I can’t wait any longer.

First, Fahima rec’d Jay Kristoff’s Stormdancer to me, then Asti and then both of them. Guess what? I’m currently reading it. Well, I actually need to read it faster because I’m on Chapter 3 since four days now. Still, I expect great things.

Emily Murdoch’s If You Find Me has Judith written all over it. I plan to read it before the summer is over. I don’t think I’m prepared for it, though.

This is Racquel, of course. I first added Abigail Haas’ Dangerous Girls before it was released but always forgot about it when it came to deciding what to read next. I really want to read it and I hope I do it soon.

Well, #SandersonArmy told me to read it back when it was only composed of Nikki and didn’t actually exist. I also read Terri‘s post on Sanderson which convinced me further. Seriously though, I read the prologue and it gave me chills. I’m so looking forward to reading it, I can’t even.

Everyone in the blogosphere wants everyone else to read Rainbow Rowell’s Fangirl. Okay, well at least 90% of people in the blogosphere. I bought it and now it’s just waiting to be read.

Joe Abercrombie’s Half a King is the latest recommendation by Aditi whose book photography is just so drool-worthy.
So have you read any of these and want to re-rec them to me? Now would be the time.
I DEMAND that you finish the Chaos Walking series after Stormdancer!! and Mistborn! YES! YES! YES! 😀
Half a King is awesome too! Liked that one a lot. Fangirl…not so much! But I'm only one of a few who didn't like it sooo…
I've still got a box set of the first 4 VA books on my shelf waiting to be read but I really don't feel like reading them.
YES SANA YES! If You Find Me is beaaaautiful and trust me on Vampire Academy: YOU WANT TO CONTINUE. The sixth book is probably my favorite. I also really need to read Vicious and Mistborn before Amber murders me. And Fangirl is so good!!
Dangerous Girls is a book I think you'd love–mystery and such a page-turner! Fangirl is just…it's good but not my favorites that Rainbow's written. And YES! I've seen Judith rec If You Find Me before and I'm def putting it on my TBR list if it's not already on there 😉
Oooh, I love your TTT header.
MISTBORN. Nikki seriously is a one-person Sanderson army. I need to reread book one and then do the series because review books got in the way last time.
MISTBOOOOOOOOOOOORN!!! If the prologue gave you chills, just wait. JUST WAIT. XD
Also I totally second Ness and Chaos Walking. SO GOOD. So many feels.
I NEED TO READ MISTBORN TOO! I'm actually participating in a Sanderson Read-along, so we should be getting to it soon. AND THEN I also need to read Patrick Ness, Vicious, and Stormdancer, and DANGEROUS GIRLS. like gahhh. I think the only book I've read on your list is Fangirl, which I definitely second! Go read it!
Are you going to be reviewing Stormdancer? I will be looking forward to it! I'm reading Eona (first book is Eon) at the moment. I highly recommend it. It seems similar to Stormdancer, I think?
Hmmmm I think VA gets WORSE after book 3. 🙁 Book 3 is my favorite, and I didn't care for book 4, hated book 5, and was in a rage most of book 6 LOL. But you know I hate love triangles so…
HOWEVER, read it so you can get to Bloodlines, which is pure amazingness. 😀
I also highly recommend Fangirl! Levi is adorable, and RR's writing never disappoints.
Good luck with these, girlfriend. 🙂
YAY YOU'RE READING STORMDANCER!!! I just really hope you love it, because then this will be my first successful book pushing campaign 😀
We should read If You Find Me together. I've been meaning to read it for a long time too, ever since seeing Judith fangirling about it. As for Fangirl? I loved it, and while I really want you to too, I'm not all that sure you will, after seeing your reaction to Anna and The French Kiss. They have a few similarities, and I hope those dont put you off!
Haha I was recently thinking of finishing Chaos Walking trilogy since I like to be wrecked emotionally. I so want to read Mistborn soon, but the ARCs… Pretty excited about Half a King, as well.
I'm a bit wary about Fangirl ever since you DNF-ed it.
I think Vampire Academy is a classic series but I understand you not wanting to read them. Still, give it a chance one day, please?
I'll be reading If You Find Me in a couple of weeks and I'm nervous and excited and eeep.
My favorite is Spirit Bound because of Dimitri LOL.
Yes, I'll murder you as well if you don't read Vicious soon. Heee
Gah, yes I love mysteries that are page-turners and have the element of mindfuck.
I'm a bit nervous about Fangirl, to be honest. We'll see…
I'll be reading it soon and if all goes well, I'll probably make you read it, too. Haha.
Thank you!
I'm so looking forward to Mistborn and the ARCs are in the way so I'll probably read it when I'm not much overloaded with them.
EEEEP. Can't wait to continue Mistborn!
Yes, Ness is a brilliant author of feels. Heee
Yes, you should read ALL of the books. Heee
I'll be reading Fangirl soon but I'm a bit nervous. Let's hope I enjoy it.
Yes, I'll be reviewing Stormdancer as soon as I'm done reading it. I've heard about Eona but I've no idea what it's about.
Oh. I knew which ship was going to be endgame so the love triangle didn't faze me all that much. Haha, Spirit Bound is my favorite from the series because how dark it is.
Yesss, I need to get to Bloodlines soon! =D I think I'll be able to next year, though.
I read E&P earlier this year and enjoyed it a whole lot however, I'm somewhat nervous about Fangirl…
Yay, I hope so, too. Let the book pushing games begin. Haha.
Oh yes, we should totally read If You Find Me together. I'll hit you up about it on Twitter soon.
Well, I'm nervous about Fangirl. I really want to love it.
Fangirl is so amazing! I highly recommend that book. You have so many books on my to-be read list, I really need to give Vampire Academy a shot.
Gaaah, I so need to read Fangirl before the summer's officially over.
And yes, please give Vampire Academy a shot because it's a classic YA paranormal series.
All your little posts banners are so adorable I JUST CAN'T. So. Cute.
Vicious is a book I've been recommended so many times. Thinking about it, I should probably read it sometime soon. And The Knife of Never Letting Go is PERFECTION. As is If You Find Me.
AND THE FINAL EMPIRE. WORDS CANNOT EXPLAIN THIS BOOK. If the prologue gave you chills, just wait for the rest. 😉