We all own books we’re not sure we should read anymore. Even though I know I won’t be able to read all the books I want to, I still want to try. So this post is basically me trying to find reasons to read these books more than trying to do the opposite. I’m a bookworm, afterall.

There’s been a lot of hype surrounding The Ring and the Crown as it wasn’t even on my radar before. Some books just seem to creep up on you like that. Anyway, almost all of the reviews I’ve read about this book seem to agree that it’s an okay read. I kind of still want to read it and my decision may or may not be somewhat influenced by that cover.

The only thing I know about Mortal Danger is there’s some sort of academy in it and that it’s creepy. Okay, that’s two things. I like creepy but not average creepy. Thoughts?

Everyone who’s read it either love it or is meh about it. I don’t know what to do. Let me tell you this, it’s hard being a reader.

I don’t know much about The Young World expect that there’s a baddy government involved and maybe some sort of a rebellion group? It’s science fiction so I kind of want to read it…

The fantasy lover in me screams at me to give Stolen Songbird a chance. I’m torn about whether I should.

Apparently, there’s something Ocean Eleven-y about Illusive. Have you read it? Is it good enough?

I just saw it on my Goodreads to-read shelf and I don’t even remember adding it. Err.

So many people seem to be meh about it. I’ll probably read this since I’ve an eARC. But to be honest, I’ve been a somewhat put off.

There are so many things in this book that I love reading about from brutal murders to survival. Why are mixed reviews so confusing?

I’ve been wanting to read this but I’m not sure because of its average rating of 3.56 on Goodreads.
Are you sure of any book on my list and feel that I should definitely give it a read? Let me know!
I haven't read any of these so can't actually help you (way to go Asti!) but I DO own a copy of The Winner's Curse and will be reading it in the next month or so because it's been selected as a pick for a book club I'm in. So, you know, if you haven't sorted it out by then I will let you know what I think. But until then – READ STORMDANCER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Midnight Thief, The Jewel, and Mortal Danger – I'm right there with ya. I don't know if they're books I want to read, so I thought it best to just set aside until the sequel releases. I do want to read Dark Metropolis, but I'm not in any hurry.
I highly recommend The Winner's Curse! I haven't seen many "meh" reactions (?) but it's really as good as the hype is saying. The writing is gorgeous, and I love the characters. 🙂
Wish I could sign in on these, but they are all new to me! Hope someone else can share their thoughts….
Here's my list of Books I'm Not Sure I Want to Read.
Top two and Stolen Songbird were a bust for me. I hope you'll fare well.
I'm also not sure about The Ring and The Crown, it's on my maybe-to-read-list. It's fantasy so I'm interested but there isn't any enthusiasm around this book. Guess we'll just have to see for ourselves eh?
The Winner’s Curse was really good! Despite the hype, I actually felt it lived up to it 🙂
I have The Young World as well, and I’ve read the first few chapters. It’s pretty good so far, and I’m planning on finishing it sometime this month.
I'm currently reading Stolen Songbird. Well, if you can consider reading to almost the halfway point then setting it down in favor of reading some other books as 'currently reading'. I do plan on finishing it. Eventually. My problem though is I didn't realize it would be so based on romance. I was hoping for something of an action/fantasy story but… Also, after I started reading it I found out that the romance isn't resolved at all in the first book of the series and I'm not sure I've got the patience to stick it out.
I do, however, want to read Midnight Thief. Of course, I've not read any reviews for it yet, so we'll see how far it moves down my list of priorities once I do.
I still need to read Winner's Curse. That Cover is absolutely stunning.
Mortal Danger and Ring and The Crown are also on my TBR but I can't seem to make myself pick them up
Midnight Thief really seems to be simply a book where tastes differ, and it's a VERY subjective book. By which I mean, even if you want to look at it objectively, you will get different opinions still. Like, usually with books I like I can still see the flaws and point them out, but with Midnight Thief (which, yes, I personally really, really liked), I can't say what exactly it is that is putting others off so much. I mean, it's not a perfect book, of course, but I don't know why other people seemed to dislike it as much. :S Soo, it could definitely be hit or miss.
I'll look forward to you letting me know about how you like The Winner's Curse.
I'm going to read Stormdancer in a day or two. Just need to finish World After first. 😉
I'll be reading The Jewel in a week or so and I'm so not looking forward to it. Sigh.
I feel like my reading experience of The Winner's Curse will be similar to Cruel Bueaty which I so didn't enjoy all that much. Oh well.
Ha ha I realized not many people would be able to help me out with the titles. I guess I just got a bit impatient.
I guess I might just skip them after all.
I love the sound from The ring and the crown and the cover *drools*
Exactly why I'm interested in the book.
Well, I just get more and more confused about The Winner's Curse. Ha ha.
Oh, then I'll definitely look forward to your review of The Young World.
Sigh, I just get so frustrated when the romance overshadows the other elements in a book. So annoying.
I've read a couple of reviews but I'm still not sure about Midnight Thief.
SAME. It's just that neither do I don't want to miss out on any potentially awesome books nor do I want to read an average book…
I guess people can't seem to find it all that engaging. I'm interested in reading it more than all the other books in my list so I just might go ahead and buy it. Thanks for the insightful input!
Whoa, it's only $1.99 on Kindle. I think I'm going to buy it. =D
I just hope that I'm not put off by the romance.
If you end up reading any of them tell me if they are good, I haven't read any of them either 😀
But I do already own Midnight Thief and I'm very excited about it! And I definitely want to get Illusive but now that I know that it's a series I may wait until more books are out.
I'm still not sure about The Winner's Curse. I don't know why but for a long time I thought this book was a contemporary about some kind of dance competition = not my kind of book XD Somehow I can't get the feeling out of my head that it is not a book for me, even though I now know what it is about and think it actually sounds good.
I still really need to read the Winner's Curse, but I just haven't picked it up because of all the hype too. Like so many people love it but others have mixed feelings, and I'm just not sure.