To me, even the word ‘intimidate’ itself is intimidating so there ought to be books that are intimidating as well, right? If I start browsing books thoroughly, I’ll soon be pretty busy compiling a very long list. Thus, the following list is pretty much top-of-the-head random. And I really, really want to read these. Ugh, the complications in life!
I went ahead and bought Delirium and Pandemonium back in December but I’ve only gotten so far as to stare at the series from time to time. Now I wait for the day I will actually dare to read it. Sigh.
The whole Adam-Warner thing and then the it’s-garbage-slash-I-lurrrv-it reviews have gotten me so confused that I had to distance myself from the Shatter Me series for a while.
The whole reason of wanting to read Hush, Hush is the curiosity which is boiling over the pan even right now. But then I hardly ever like angels in YA fiction so it ends up intimidating me instead.
Shiver. Maggie Stiefvater. Intimidating and intimidating. ‘Nuff said.
Heist Society series is so overly hyped that while I’m sure I’ll like it I just don’t want the option of not liking it. So I wait for it to go away.
I know I’ll read Just One Day before I read If I Stay and that’s mainly because of the intimidating factor. So there.
I try to not read genuinely fun books like Anna and the French Kiss because once I read it, the anticipation will be over. (You can go ahead and call me crazy now).
This Barney Stinson inspired category for intimidating books is perfect. The Book Thief is YA and it intimidates just like The Perks of Being a Wallflower did. There’s history involved.
The Iron King is so very popular and Julie Kagawa is so famous in the publishing world that I just can’t help feeling intimidated. So just… okay?
Vampire Academy is here because of well, vampires. I’ve become wary of any vampire characters not belonging to The Vampire Diaries or the Angel Creek series.
What books are on your list? Leave a link!
If you like faeries, then you should definitely check out the Iron Fey series; Kagawa does a brilliant job with describing the magical world! I can see why the reviews of Shatter Me would confuse someone, but if you don't mind somewhat flowery writing, then go for it. Personally, I thought the sequel was absolutely incredible. The Book Thief is my favorite historical fiction novel! Happy reading and awesome list!
I didn't like Delirium because it was too slow paced, though I really loved Heist Society… 😀 The Iron Fey was pretty good too! The Book Thief made my list. I just don't think it's something for me. Great picks though!
Wow. Like seriously, I don't know how you managed to make your intimidated list into my fav list. Like seriously, most of these books are my favorites! XD
Here's my Top 10
Kuddos for the Barney Stinson reference! Honestly, I've put off reading the Shiver trilogy and The Book Thief for the same reasons. While I enjoyed The Iron King series, you do have to be in the right frame of mind to read it! New follower!
What a great list! Thanks for sharing. If I stay was a great book!
my TTT: http://www.bookythoughtsandme.com/top-ten-most-intimidating-books/
Psst, the rumors about Anna and the French Kiss is good! I absolutely LOVE that book.
Great list Sana & thanks for stopping by my STS! ;D
I'm currently reading Shiver and after being 100 pages in, I'm still not sure how I feel. Only one way to find out if you like it or not! I also own Hush, Hush as well… haven't read it yet! Oooh but The Book Thief! At least read that one. Please? 😛
Hi Sana! The hype surrounding loved books these days are freakishly intimidating because you never want to be that odd one out. Shatter Me is staring at me from my shelf and it's literally a "To read or not to read" situation. I would definitely recommend Shiver as it's a favourite of mine and I really enjoyed Delirium but I'm too nervous to face book 2. I'm also nervous to read Heist Society because I loved The Gallagher Girls and what If I don't like this series :/ Vampire Academy is again one I'm intimidated by, so many people love it and then theres me lol, I finished The Iron King last week and loved it and I highly recommend it.
– Sunny @ A Sunny Spot Blog
I definitely want to read a lot of these books! Vampire Academy is my favorite from your list. I was very pleasantly surprised because I love Twilight and The Vampire Diaries (the tv show, not the books). TVD has done the best with vampires but VA is really good too!! Thanks for stopping by my post!
Vampire Academy is soooooo good! MUCH better than the TVD books, and as good as the TV show IMO.
I totally get your list. The 'what if I don't like it' is always a problem with me when I start new YA book/series. And I did not like quite a few as well. So now I just don't overhype myself…
As for VA, Twilight left a bitter taste about vamps for me so I was very reluctant to start the series, but I was sold after I wasn't even done with the first book.
I like how you introduced your TTT with the little headers. It makes sense that our expectations and they hype associated with books is more intimidating. I have the same thing with Divergent (which I still haven't read). I know it will be good, but at the same time, what if I don't have the same reaction as everyone else? Great blog, new follower 🙂
I'm also super intimidated by Delirium and Shatter Me. They're so popular and I just read the description and kind of… shrug? I mean they could be great. Or not.
I can only recommend If I Stay though. I read Just One Day in about 2 days, then read If I Stay in 2 days directly after, then ran to the bookstore the next morning and read Where She Went by late that evening. That's how much I fell in love with Gayle Forman's writing.
The Iron King is good, but personally I think Julie's writing is a lot better in the The Immortal Rules series.
Hypes though. Super intimidating o.O
Thanks for stopping by yesterday 🙂