young adult science fiction fantasy published by Farrar, Straus and Giroux on 5 March 2013
first book in the Unremembered trilogy
With no memories and no identity, the sixteen-year-old girl who was found floating among the wreckage of a devastating plane crash knows only one thing for certain: nothing is what it seems. Crippled by a world she doesn’t know, plagued by abilities she doesn’t understand, and haunted by a looming threat she can’t remember, Seraphina struggles to piece together her forgotten past and discover who she really is. But with every clue comes more questions. And she is running out of time to answer them. Her only hope is a strangely alluring boy who claims to know her from before the crash. Who claims they were in love. But can she really trust him? And will he be able to protect her from the people who have been making her forget?

“Forgetting who you are is so much more complicated than simply forgetting your name. It’s also forgetting your dreams. Your aspirations. What makes you happy. What you pray you’ll never have to live without. It’s meeting yourself for the first time, and not being sure of your first impression.”
“Death is not a memory you can fake.”
I've been reading a lot of reviews that feel the same way about it as you. I don't think I'm going to read this series. I like books that are fast paced and I don't think I"d be able to stick it out for 250 pages. Maybe since the first book usually has a lot of backstory the second book might be better.
Hmph.. I haven't read a lot of reviews on this one but it has been in my TBR for a long time.. It doesn't sound like something I'd enjoy reading so I'm debating if I should give it a chance.. Great review, Sana 🙂
-Ariella @ Secrets of Lost Words
P. S. You have an awesome name 😀
Ouch, and it DID sound like such a great books! One of those 'meh' books. TT___TT I just hate when characters don't have much depth, that just kills the story. I would read one even if it had a terrible plot but terrific characters, but good plot, bad characters. *thumbs down* But it's one of those that reveal EVERYTHING at the end, is what I'm drawing from your review.
Wonder review, Sana!
Thanks for the follow!!!! AFJAJKSLJA <3333 *awkwardly hug*
Hope to see more from your magnificent blog!
Ugh, how disappointing! I've been looking forward to reading this one too. I'll probably check it out in the future, but maybe I'll read other books by this author first. I think I have her previous one, which looks like a lot of fun. Thanks for the honest review and I am sorry this one didn't work out for you. Better luck with the next one!
Like you, I was very disappointed by this book. There was no depth to is what so ever, and I didn't like the characters. Great review!
– Farah @ MajiBookshelf
Ah, no. I'm sorry this one fell flat, Sana. Like you, I was super, super excited for this one! Now I'm scared to read it. I read another one of Brody's books, but didn't like it all that much, and I'm afraid I'll feel the same way towards this one. I hate when characters lack depth, so I don't know how I'll feel about Seraphina and Zen. Thanks for the honest review, Sana!
Sorry to hear this one didn't live up to your expectations. It's always annoying when that happens. However it sounds like the ending has lots to offer.
Hope this series picks up for you. Fab review! 🙂
Glad you enjoyed even though it had its flaws and almost gave up. I have been excited about this one and will try to lower expectations a bit.
Brandi @ Blkosiner’s Book Blog
I'm glad to see this one got better for you! I have to read it soon and have kind of been dreading it, after so many bad reviews. But I'll keep an open mind when I pick it up!
Great review!
I love the cover of this book and really curious to read it. The plot sounds unique. I might read this one… Thanks for the cool review.
Love your cute blog.
Eh, so far all I've been seeing are mixed to bad reviews of UNREMEMBERED. Disappointing, because I've been really looking forward to reading it! Repetition never goes well in my book, so I can understand your frustration. And under-developed romance? NOOOO.
I might have to rethink if I should get this, because I'm not so sure now. Anyhow, thanks so much for the honest and helpful review, Sana! Much appreciated. 🙂
Oh boy, I was so looking forward to this book, but every review I have read has made me less and less excited. I always have issues with books that remain superficial somehow. I am intrigued by the mystery (which I like a whole lot in books) but the lack of depth sounds frustrating. Also, ANOTHER supermodel gorgeous MC? I don't think I can take it. Thank you for this review! 🙂
I was looking forward to this one! D: I actually haven't read so many great reviews for this one. Maybe I'll hold off reading it. I also like my stories with depth and since this one deals with memory, the depth and details would have been so much more to reader likings. But, I'm glad you still liked it enough to give it 3 stars! 😀
Awesomesauce review, Sana! 😀
~ Maida
Literary Love Affair
I'm glad you enjoyed this for the most part, sounds like it was a little inconsistent but the fact that it improved at the end is good! I like the main plot too, it sounds really intriguing!