Ah, how times change. I was 1 year and two days old in the picture above and today, I’m 24 years old. Every year seems like a milestone, crossed over and done with. It’s always a bit of a bittersweet feeling but, mostly, I always look forward to the experiences that comes with reaching a certain age.
What never gets old is my love for books and stories. So today, I thought I’d share my random favorites from the big three (books, TV shows and movies) over the years.

Back to the present. Today, I plan to continue reading Angelfall by Susan Ee, have a low-key dinner with my family, and eat lots of cake. I love cake.
And oh, I started this thing back in 2009 where I buy a book as a present to myself and this year, I went with The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater.
Bookish, enough? I hope so.